Online Exam Management Software


This module has been designed keeping track of the time management by the school. It has been developed by the developers keeping track of all points that meet the basic requirement as well as the advanced requirement of online exam.
The study material is maintained in the software from which the paper can be created at a single click according to the difficulty level. i. Difficult
ii. Average
iii. Easy
This module can also be used for taking entrance exam or for conducting the formative assessments of the class at regular intervals.
In case of Entrance, after the admission form has been submitted the online exams are conducted and on the very same day within 10 minutes the results are announced too. This is helpful for both the school as well as the students appearing in the entrance exam.

Advantages of Online Entrance exam:-
• The school does not need to involve the staff member for conducting and checking the copies.
• The appearing student will be able to evaluate himself/herself and will also be satisfied with the result.
• The most important is time Management done by the school.