Net Custodian is an integrated and comprehensive platform for schools to manage their complete IT Solutions and communication between all stakeholders within the education realm of schools (Students, Parents ,Teachers, Principals & School Management).
• The company has a unique concept of proprietorship which was not available earlier of rendering services to its developed software based on the concept of SAAS (Software as a Service) rather than selling the software in one time.
• It bridges the communication gap and consequently empowers schools to strengthen their services to students and parents, thus enhancing student’s competitive advantage many folds.
• It is an ERP with synchronization where data gets stored on offline servers and automatically gets synchronized on clouds for data backup and online access.
Why it is called Net Custodian?
“Net Custodian” means Online Caretaker. This complete concept is designed to contribute in keeping track of the students’ every move and to provide a direct communication platform between students and school Management.
Why Net Custodian is Needed?
“Communication is the building block of relationship” With realization of this need among all the stakeholders of the educational realm and keeping pace with the technology in educational domain we formed a product named “Decora Net Custodian”.
Advanced communication in the IT world is creating a need of replacing the old communication mediums with the new, powerful and effective communication medium with which parents can keep track of their children in short span of time and become a partner in their child’s overall development.
After excelling the communication system we are striving to excel in all the IT and technical needs of the schools and we are one of the best Indian company of ERP provider with synchronized system. We set our own benchmark and contrarily we keep on adding latest features to our system by our continuous evaluation of new ventures.
Our success is the result of our employees dedication towards their work and their determination to give cent percent result to the customers fulfilling their all requirements.
Footprints on the sand of time are never made by sitting down…
With best wishes of our clients and friends we ensure to meet the customer’s expectations by innovating and delivering the quality products and services beyond expectations.